Travel abroad is a unique and special experience. Truly LIVING that experience is even rarer. Right now, China is at a crossroads in it’s history. There is no better time to teaching job and live in the Far East. In fact, a case can be made the uniqueness of the experience may be quickly fading! Development is occurring at a staggering rate all throughout China. At the same time, evidence of the oldest and most diverse culture in the world can still be found all around you. Imagine standing in front of an ancient temple in Beijing, just after using the new, modern subway…. eating a delicious dumpling at an old market stand in Shanghai right next to their brand new sports stadium…. hiking up the Great Wall, with your Starbucks coffee in hand…. eating spicy local food in Sichuan after teaching your most recent ESL class. Whatever your personal experience in China, you are bound to have a new and exciting experience on a daily basis. Each new day is an adventure!
We have only begun to discuss the many diverse and varied experiences waiting for you in the People’s Republic of China. This is without beginning to discuss the challenges and rewards which arise from learning to speak Chinese, developing friendships with locals and trying to really understand the Chinese perspective on world issues and politics.
If you have decided to get a job teaching English in China, congratulations! You are already unique in making the important decision to expand your horizons and challenge yourself. As we are sure you are experiencing, your family and friends may be skeptical about this decision. Have confidence in what is sure to be a life changing path! Your travels will soon lead you to discover many more people who share your passion for exploration, travel and broadening your horizons! You will certainly make connections with locals and Chinese friends often go out of their way to make guests feel comfortable and settled (you may feel your hosts help you TOO much at times!). Your best friend may be from England, Canada, US, South Africa, New Zealand or Australia. It’s all a part of the experience of living and teaching abroad!

As you teach English as a second language in China, your job duties will include the following:
20-25 in class teaching hours per week
Office Hours: This will primarily be spent in the preparation of lesson plans. Your school will have materials for you to use during your preparation.
Paid Chinese holidays
Summer and winter vacation
Travel opportunities
While this might not seem like a demanding job schedule, being in front of a classroom full of children can be a demanding challenge. It takes careful preparation and real caring for your students. On a day to day basis, teachers must prepare lesson plans. An active and interesting classroom atmosphere is always encouraged! For example, the use of visual aids in class is extremely important. As you teach in China it is very effective to have the students attribute an English word to pictures. When a child sees a picture of an animal or tree, it transcends all language barriers! In these ways you will always be challenged to “think outside the box” while you teach English in China. In addition to your time spent in the classroom you will administer tests, grade papers and participate in school meetings with your Chinese teacher peers.
Benefits of a Job as an ESL Teacher (Benefits vary based on actual school offers)
From the moment you land in China, your host school will begin helping you adjust to life in your new home.
Your benefits while teaching English in China will include the following:
A monthly salary of between 8,000-12,000RMB
Up to four weeks’ vacation
Round-trip airfare
Airport pickup
FREE housing
Work Visa (working visa to legally teach English in China)
Health insurance coverage
At US Education Federation, we support you throughout your year (or more!) teaching ESL. China is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding countries in which to teach English in Asia. If you have a question you would like to ask a fellow westerner, you may contact us. We are happy to answer your questions about life and jobs in China.
We will always do our best to assist you in any way possible during your experience teaching abroad in China! Please refer to the link for current job offers.
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